1Password 6.5 für iOS bringt native Watch-App, Abo-Buchung und Co.

Marcel Am 15.12.2016 veröffentlicht Lesezeit etwa 6:59 Minuten

AgileBits hat seinen Passwort-Manager 1Password für iOS auf die Version 6.5 angehoben und bringt damit unter anderem eine neue, native App für die Apple Watch und integriert das neue Abo-Modell.

1Password und Ich – eine Hassliebe. Zwar sagen mir die Entwicklungen vor allem bezüglich des Preismodells in den letzten Monaten so gar nicht zu, andererseits bin ich aber aktuell zu faul, Enpass neu einzurichten (zumal hier noch Dateianhänge fehlen). Also warten “wir” erst einmal ab, bis ein neues kostenpflichtiges Update kommt. Nun stand jedenfalls zunächst einmal die Version 6.5 vor der Tür, mit der AgileBits an vielen, vielen Stellschrauben gedreht und viele Optimierungen und Fehlerkorrekturen vorgenommen hat. Aber natürlich bietet die als “Pocket Watch Edition” bezeichnete Version auch ein paar größere Neuerungen, die man gerne mal gesondert hervorheben kann – wie zum Beispiel die Tatsache, dass es sich bei der dazugehörigen App für die Apple Watch nun um eine native Anwendung handelt.

Man habe die Watch-App von Grund auf neu geschrieben, so AgileBits, und hat im Gegensatz zur vorherigen App zwei große Vorteile. Erstens sind native Apps deutlich performanter als ihre “älteren Kollegen”. Ist nun nicht so, als würde die App auf der Apple Watch (der ersten Generation) rennen, im Vergleich zur vorherigen App sind die Leistungsschübe aber erkennbar – kann man nun nutzen, ohne gefühlte zehn Minuten auf die Anzeige der Passwörter warten zu müssen. Zweitens ließen sich mit der alten Watch-App lediglich Einträge aus dem primären Tresor anzeigen – auch diese Einschränkung ist nun weggefallen, sodass sich nun Einträge aus allen hinterlegten Passwort-Tresoren anzeigen lassen – auch jenen, die ihr in der 1Password.com-Cloud gelagert haben solltet.

Apropos 1Password.com: die neue Version fürs iPhone und iPad erlaubt nun auch ein Buchen des monatlichen Abonnement. 2,99 Euro im Monat, dafür “kostenlose” Nutzung der 1Password-Apps auf allen Plattformen, außerdem gibt es einen simplen Cloud-Sync, automatische Backups, Passwortverläufe der letzten 365 Tage, 1 GB Speicherplatz für die sichere Ablage von Dokumenten und Web-Zugriff über 1Password.com. Kann man nutzen, muss man aber nicht. Oder anders gesagt: zumindest noch nicht, denn ich behaupte einfach mal frech in die Runde, dass mit 1Password 7 die letzte Stunde für die Einzelnutzer-Lizenz geschlagen hat. Zu guter Letzt auch den Einrichtungsassistenten für neue Nutzer optimiert und eine lange Liste an Fehlern gefixt.

‎1Password - Passwort Manager
‎1Password - Passwort Manager
Entwickler: AgileBits Inc.
Preis: Kostenlos+
Neue Funktionen von Version 6.5

  • 1Password now sports a brand new first-run experience! It is now easier than ever to get started with 1Password.
  • Our Apple Watch app is now a native app!
  • Items from 1Password.com accounts can be added to your Apple Watch!
  • Adding a 1Password.com account to your device will now prompt you to move your items to that account. {OPI-3561}
  • Added the ability to select, move, and copy multiple items! Just pull down from the top of the item list to expose the “Select Items…” button. {OPI-3266}
  • It’s now possible to create Documents in 1Password accounts! {OPI-1027}
  • 1Password can now fill additional text, email, and password fields for items created outside the browser extension. {BRAIN-111}
  • After migrating your items to a 1Password.com vault, you will now be prompted to delete your old Primary vault. {OPI-3720}
  • Added the ability to copy 1Password Documents across accounts. {OPM-3974}
  • You will now be prompted to enable Touch ID after completing the initial setup of 1Password. {OPI-3691}
  • You can now pay for your 1Password.com account subscription right from the app using automatically renewing in-app purchase subscriptions.

Verbesserungen der Version 6.5

  • Primary vaults can now be removed when a 1Password.com account exists. {OPI-3608}
  • If 1Password fails to display an item from a Spotlight search, we now present an error message.
  • Warnings about frozen 1Password.com accounts now offer the option to “Subscribe Now” where possible. {OPI-3745}
  • The 1Password account sign-in screen now includes instructions on how to find your account details. {OPI-3761}
  • Migrating from a standalone Primary vault to a 1Password.com account now sets the Vault for Saving to your new Personal vault. {OPI-3734}
  • The Categories tab is now the default tab for fresh installs of 1Password. {OPI-3755}
  • Updated our translations with the latest from our incredible translators on Crowdin.
  • Updated to the latest 1Password brain for improved Login saving and form filling.
  • 1Password is now better at avoiding search and newsletter forms when filling. {BRAIN-289}
  • 1Password is now better at saving Logins on pages with search fields. {BRAIN-274}
  • 1Password is now better at avoiding search fields on Russian and German websites. {BRAIN-293}
  • 1Password is now better at handling sneaky password fields on Swedish websites. {BRAIN-310}
  • Updated the password generator minimum and maximum values. {OPI-3730}
  • Added mechanisms for strengthening communication with 1Password.com.
  • The setting that controls opening websites now lives in Settings > 1Browser. {OPI-3696}
  • Improved the parsing for certain improperly formatted web addresses. {OPM-4281}
  • Added a notification to update to the latest 1Password version when features aren’t compatible with the 1Password.com account server. {OPM-4177}
  • Better handling of invalid data brought in by importing.
  • The 1Password Apple Watch app no longer has its own PIN code. {OPI-3813}
  • Changed the naming of Wi-Fi sync to WLAN sync. {OPI-3633}
  • Empty address fields are now hidden when viewing items. {OPM-3902}
  • Updated Rich Icons for the Login creator. {AGW-314, OPI-3623, OPI-3625}
  • Added a help string to the footer of the Lock Now button in Settings > Security to indicate using it will require the Master Password to unlock next time. {OPI-3516}
  • Improved filling of credit card expiration years. {BRAIN-138}
  • Removed a few potentially offensive words that were present in the word list for our Word-based Strong Password Generator. {OPI-3129}
  • Improved the way we handle 1Password Pro’s in-app purchase receipt validation.
  • Removed several instances where “1Password Teams” or “1Password Families” language was used, and replaced them with “1Password account.”
  • Improved WLAN sync error handling to make it less annoying when the desktop is locked. {OPI-3314}
  • Personal and Shared vaults will now display the user or team avatars if they don’t have their own avatar. {OPM-4032}
  • Added better handling of 1Password accounts whose domains have changed. {OPM-4002}
  • Improved the launch time under certain circumstances. {OPM-4061}

Fehlerkorrekturen der Version 6.5

  • Removed a crash that could occur when processing changes to items. {OPI-3651}
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on iOS 10 immediately after unlocking 1Password. {OPI-3649}
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some network requests to 1Password.com to fail.
  • Dismissing Control Center no longer clears your search results. {OPI-3540}
  • Opening 1Password using a “search” shortcut from apps like Launch Center Pro no longer fails if 1Password isn’t running. {OPI-3708}
  • Using the “Search” Quick Action from the iOS Home Screen no longer fails if 1Password isn’t running. {OPI-3789}
  • Annihilated a bug that was causing the search field to be unresponsive if you tapped into it right after unlocking 1Password. {OPI-3789}
  • Successive searches now show the correct search results each time when leaving the app and coming back to it. Thank you to our awesome beta testers for helping us track this one down. {OPI-3740}
  • Fixed an issue that could cause 1Password to request the Master Password when tapping the Home button while unlocking with Touch ID. {OPI-3807}
  • Fixed an issue where displaying items from Spotlight could fail. {OPI-3658}
  • We now make sure that All Vaults is the selected vault when setting up the app for the first time with a 1Password.com account.
  • Fixed an issue where vault-added notifications were shown when initially setting up a device. {OPI-3771}
  • Selection controls no longer go missing if you leave selection mode shortly after entering it. {OPI-3748}
  • The Apple Watch app now requires an Apple Watch PIN code to be set. {OPI-3760}
  • We now allow importing of 1Password 3 backups from other sources. {OPI-3661}
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when syncing with AgileKeychain files. {OPI-3650}
  • 1Password would fail to fill sites that had previously saved fields 1Password ignores during filling. {BRAIN-299}
  • Fixed an issue where certain Favorites could cause issues while syncing with 1Password.com accounts. {OPM-4402}
  • Eliminated some instances where you would be mistakenly prompted to enter your Master Password.
  • Fixed two crashes that could occur when syncing via AgileKeychain. {OPI-3713, OPI-3714}
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when setting up sync. {OPI-3711}
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when editing a field on an item that has a menu of possible values. {OPI-3712}
  • Fixed a crash when re-authorizing a 1Password.com account after a password change. {OPI-3710}
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on iOS 10 during launch.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when processing changes to items. {OPI-3651}
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on iOS 10 immediately after unlocking 1Password. {OPI-3649}
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some network requests to 1Password.com to fail.
  • Fixed an issue preventing two my.1password.com accounts from being added at one time. {OPM-4312}
  • Fixed an issue that would cause 1Password to authenticate twice with 1Password.com upon startup instead of just once. {OPM-4286}
  • Fixed an issue that could cause unnecessary reauthentication requests to be sent for 1Password.com accounts. {OPM-4285}
  • Fixed an issue where some unrecognized data in an item would be lost while saving. {OPM-4234}
  • Fixed autosubmit on fideliti.co.uk. {BRAIN-268}
  • Fixed an issue where the item detail view wasn’t respecting the changing of the Show Rich Icons setting. {OPI-2012}
  • Fixed an issue where a 1Password.com account administrator could be addressed as a user instead of as an Owner. {OPI-3545}
  • Fixed an issue that caused 1Password to stop syncing changes from iOS to other devices, but still allowed new changes from other devices to appear on iOS. {OPI-3606}
  • Fixed an issue that caused users with a single vault in their 1Password Account to see the welcome screen instead of their vault. {OPI-3534}
  • Fixed login filling on tecmarket.it. {BRAIN-254}
  • Resolved an issue where 1Password would incorrectly identify the designated username and password fields when saving a Login. {BRAIN-207}
  • Resolved an issue where 1Password would fill credit card month values into quantity fields when the field was of number type.
  • Resolved an issue where 1Password would attempt to fill into disabled or read-only fields. {BRAIN-263}
  • Resolved an issue where radio buttons were being improperly saved and restored. (Existing Logins will need to be resaved.) {BRAIN-74}
  • Resolved an issue where 1Password would not fill the same password value into more than one field. {BRAIN-83, BRAIN-84}

Quelle AgileBits

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